Il £ g
%aper&steflfifiat of Schools of Horfolk, declared that the “%ififi&fififi&#
lof & ealnry sehelfvle vhich firxes 2ifferentiales in nay Tor teachers
and prineis=zs of ecnal gualifiontions ard aupDo
v the same duties and sergliecs, when these giirerentials |
1 violation of nothethe
rienece, performing
; eszsentialll
fia?@ based golely en yace of eoler, 1s
and the egual protectlcn ¢lsuses of
om Oetober 28,1940, the
dug nrotess the iith Amendment |
to the Constitution of tae mnited Gtates,
waffi*fiw% srurt of the United Dtlates denied the =nplicatlien. of the
| dorfoik tehooal Soard and its Superintendent for s wrili of
e —
{eegiiflrayi 1o voeview paid Jdecielon.
In &afiing his netition petiftlionars are coonigant that this
unesnstitutional salaty iiffarential wae nat initiated by you end
5*%&& the csse smbove referred to is the Tipst proneuncenenl ty &
;*i”‘fi? rederal Court that such prac tice fg vnoonstituticnal., They
R ai udicavedy
(G0 foal, however, that moe gince thiz Juesilion
T n B = £
tiae whieh not only i2
2 w111 no lonager wish to maintain & DYac
‘_ |
|1n contraveation of orr demcerstie jdanls, but vhich iz also ule |
le-nstitutionaly and that you will welceme this opporiunlfy 1o
: |
|ehange 1t, 7 :
I T makine thie vequest for & ainrle w*anfiarfi of say ang forvr tfifi
;%gfislifiatian of sslaries petitisneres wish tn make it clear that it
Wig aot theiy deslre that this ract be accounliched by reduction of
t%fi pey of any of the teschers, prineipsls or srrwervizors empleyed