/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/15 Clubs Fairs Contests Sports Music/15-5_County_Wide_Leagues/Loudoun_CWL/1-1-2a Yr 1940 County Wide League Petition/EWP_IMAG0013.JPG
extracted text
Certificate Ezpericnes Salary §
| Elementary Hone to twe years 855,00 |
| Elementary Three or more years 60,00 |
(‘ ' l‘i
Normal Professional None to two years 60,00
Three OTr ubre years €5,
; Normal Professional
i Tor nrincipals add $5.C0 for each assistant,
“ 3. That sald salary gehedule in its entirety and at every
’ 1
J‘comnarable level provides &
end sunervisors than for the MNegro ton
‘higher salary for white teachers,
chers, principalsL
rinecipales and ;
;Iand sunervisors, although these Negro tezachers, v
!,supsrvisers are possessed of equal qualifications and experienee
| and are perfeornirg essentially the same duties as the white
;lteachers, rrineipals and supervisors; that this differential 1s
| , : -
'.even greater than is indicaled on the Fface of the schedule because
lthe vhite teachers, principals and svpervisors are pald for twelve‘
| mcnths of the year vhile the Hegroes are paid for only ten months |
4. That all of the Wegro teahcers, principals and super-
visors in the publie schools of Loudoun Countiy hold teaching ,
certificates in accordance with the tules of certification of the |
Vifginia State Board af Educatioh; thet white ond Nesrc teachers, |
principals and supervisors musi meet the zame reguirements to re- i
of the year,
| ceive teachers! certificates from said State Board of Education
and upon quallfying eare issued ldentical certificates,
¥, Thst on June 1£,1940, the United States Circult cougd of
APPEals for the Fourth Gircuit, sitting at Ashevilile, Worth Caroe-
1ina, in the case of Helvin 0 Alston, a Negro teacher in the City
of Worfolk, Virginia, and the Norfolk Teachers Association, an
. organization of Negro school teachers and principals of that city,,
against the School Beard of the City of Norfolk ugd C. W, liason,