- EWP 1940Survey013
- EWP 1940Survey004
- EWP 1940Survey013a
- EWP 1938 Supervisor
- EWP 1940Survey012
- EWP 1940Survey009
- EWP WhiteEdithBlackwell002
- EWP 1940Survey011
- EWP GrossMargaretRichards001
- EWP ScipioRosalieSeniorPhoto2
- EWP DSC 0011 01
- EWP ScipioBeatriceA (2)
- EWP constructioncolored001
- EWP ScipioRosalie1937
- EWP 1940Survey044a
- EWP 1940Survey040
- EWP JonesElizabethCraigBio
- EWP 1940Survey041
- EWP 1940Survey043
- EWP 1940Survey039
- EWP 1940Survey017
- EWP 1940Survey025
- EWP 1940Survey042
- EWP 1940Survey019a
- EWP 1940Survey019
- EWP 1940Survey021
- EWP 1940Survey024
- EWP 1940Survey026
- EWP 1940Survey030
- EWP 1940Survey037
- EWP 1940Survey001a
- EWP 1940Survey002a
- EWP WillisChasH002
- EWP 1940Survey006
- [Untitled]
- EWP 2-5A Yr U List of Students from 7th GRade
- EWP Work of Rural Schools
- EWP Survey 1940
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1925-26 Preparations for Field Trip to Richmond Defending High Schools
- EWP Petition Conklin Bus Driver
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1925 School Census from Defense of HS in 2-6 Leg Files
- EWP 2-5B Yr 2019 Study of Lincoln Purcellville Dispute
- EWP Petition Conklin Teacher Complaint
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June Circuit Court Evidence List
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Receipts and Expenditures for Mt. Gilead District
- EWP Research Paper On Lincoln Dispute
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Blue Ridge Herald on Dispute
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Cost Lincoln High School
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 Feb Subscription to Lincoln HS
- EWP Petition Conklin 1935
EWP Petition St Louis Feb 1931 On February 9, 1931, Laura Cook, a teacher at St. Louis school, wrote a letter to the Loudoun County School Board expressing concerns about the overcrowded conditions of the school. With 71 students in attendance, the lack of space and resources was hindering her ability to give each child the necessary attention. Cook, along with a group of parents and friends of the school, requested an extra room and another teacher for the next school term to alleviate these issues. The letter, signed by a number of concerned individuals, outlined the urgent need for improved conditions at the school and sought approval and support from the school board.
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 30 Can_Super Compell School Board
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July 1 Papers for July 14 School Trustee Electoral Board
- EWP Petition Douglas 1952
- EWP 2-5 Yr 2018 Prebich Study 1 (2)
- EWP Petition Middleburg 1945 Jan
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 28 Invitation School Trustee Electoral Board
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1924 1925 In Defense of High Schools
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 10 Bazile Opinion
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July 12 Enrollment Statistics
- EWP Consolidation 1945
- EWP 2-6_Yr 1925 Presentation of High School Case to State Board of Education
- EWP Petition st Louis 1932
- EWP Petition Conklin 1952 Teacher
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 1 Mr. Smith Asks for a Committee
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 18 Circuit Court Order
- EWP Hughesville 1928
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1954 Bills Impacting Public School
- EWP Wynkoop Carl Farm
- EWP_2-6 Yr 1925 Contributions to Lincoln HS from Defense of HS in 2-6 Leg Files
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 5 School Construction Guidelines
- EWP Petition Leesburg 1932
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1936 School Trustee Electoral Board and School Board
- EWP Petition Conklin U
- EWP Brownsville
- EWP 2-5 Yr 2018 Prebich Study_1 (1)
- EWP Petition Bull Run
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July Emerick and Hart on a Proposed study
- EWP Petition Middleburg 1945 001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Enrollment of Lincoln Elementary Probably
- EWP Howardsville Transport 001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Law of Lincoln Purcellville School Case
- EWP Petition Conklin Teacher Performance
- EWP Howardsville Transport 001
- EWP 2019 New Mexico
- EWP signature
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 22 School Board Appeal of Court Order
- EWP Hughesville1927001
- EWP MiddleBurgRaby1945
- EWP Petition HighSchool
EWP Petition Leesburg 1930 This letter, dated May 14, 1930, addressed to Mr. Robert M. Coe in Leesburg, Virginia, demonstrates the efforts made by patrons and taxpayers of the Leesburg School District to advocate for the appointment of a qualified individual as the fourth teacher at Leesburg Colored Public School. The signatories express their desire for a High School and Normal School graduate to be appointed as the Principal of the school, highlighting the importance they placed on education and the qualifications of the teaching staff. The response from the Division Superintendent indicates a willingness to consider the request and states an intention to recommend a teacher with the requested qualifications or higher for the position.
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1926 Teacherrs Ask for Pay Raise
- EWP LoudounCntyTrnyCenter
EWP Loudoun County Training Center 001 This text is a petition addressed to the Loudoun County School Board, expressing concern over their plan to purchase land adjacent to the colored high school in Leesburg, Virginia. The petitioners argue that the land is needed for the expansion of the nearby Union Cemetery, which serves as a burial ground for the community. They also point out that only a few colored children attending the high school actually live north of Market Street, where the proposed land is located. The petitioners believe that the location of the land is not suitable for the future needs of the colored children's education, given its remote nature and distance from where the majority of the students reside. Ultimately, they request that the School Board reconsider their decision to purchase the land and prioritize the best interests of the colored youth in the community.
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 List of Subscribers for Love Portion of Purcellville
- EWP GrantSchool1946001
- EWP AwardConklin
- EWP Petition Conklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931 Feb 10 Saint Louis is too crowded
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 John Ward
- EWP Petition Middleburg U 001
- EWP Petition Middleburg1945Jan
- EWP MiddleBurgRaby1945
- EWP Douglas1951
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Lincoln HS Plot 1910 Building
- EWP Petition Conklin1941001
- EWP PetitionstLouis1930TeacherHire
- EWP PetitionstLouis U
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 20 Exchange of Letters
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 14 Long Opinion
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 Feb 26 Contributions for Lincoln HS
- EWP 2-5B Yr 2019 Combined edits Roeder Study
- EWP GrantSchool1944Parents
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 June Circular re Purchase of Lincoln Lot
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1926 Costs Lincoln HS 1910 to 1926 from Defense of HS in 2-6 Leg Files
- EWP Petition Middleburg U 001
- EWP NegroNeeds1945
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 26 School Trustees No Authority
- EWP ResearchPaperOnLincolnDispute
- EWP GrantSchool1946
- EWP Petition Middleburg U
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1954 House Bills 402 403 468 592
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Emerick Compromise
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1925 Student Census
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 26. Emerick vetoes Lincoln
EWP Loudoun County Training Center 001 During the early 20th century, there was significant debate and opposition within Loudoun County, Virginia regarding the School Board's plans to purchase land adjacent to the colored high school in Leesburg. The petitioners argued that the land in question was more suitable for the expansion of the Union Cemetery of Leesburg, which was in need of additional space for burials. They also pointed out that most colored children attending the high school lived south of Market Street, making the proposed location inconvenient for the majority of students. The petitioners urged the School Board not to proceed with the purchase, emphasizing the detrimental impact it would have on both the cemetery and the education of colored youth in the community.
- EWP NokesJune1933
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Letter from Barbour to Emerick
- EWP GrantSchool1944Parents
- EWP Petition BullRun001
- EWP Hughesville1928
- EWP NokesMay1933
- EWP NokesJune1933
- EWP PetitionstLouis1946
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1949 Authority of School Board
EWP Petition Leesburg 1932 June 001 This letter dated May 10, 1932, from the Community League, patrons of the Colored Public School, and taxpayers in Loudoun County, Virginia, to the Board of Education, highlights a call for change in the graded departments of the school. The appeal for improvements in efficiency and other unspecified concerns reflects a desire for a better educational experience for the children attending the school. After thirty years without change, the community league and patrons are advocating for a justifiable plea to appoint teachers that will address their concerns and enhance the learning environment for their children.
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 10 Fleet James Testimony
- EWP AwardConklin
- EWP BullRun U Year
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April Mrs Janney Testimony
- EWP Lincoln Dispute
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 16 Emerick Testimony to Circuit Court
- EWP Petition 1926Salaries
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1927 Mt Gilead Expense Plan from Defense of HS in 2-6 Leg Files
- EWP Paeonian Springs
- EWP Petitionst Louis 1930 Teacher Hire
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 23 Letter to Emerick
- EWP Petition Carver 001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 10 Minutes Loose File
- EWP Petition Middleburg 1945 001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1910 to 1926 Lincoln HS Salaries
- EWP Loudoun Cnty Trny Center
- EWP St Louis VA LTM article 25 Sept 1980 (2)
- EWP Petition Douglass1951001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Hamilton Petitions
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 10 Sidney Hall to Emerick
- EWP GrantSchool1945
- EWP Petition ByCLMurray
- EWP Petition Leesburg U 2
- EWP PeititionBullRun
- EWP Petition Douglas1952
- EWP 2-5B 1910 List of 1910 Attendees at Lincoln
- EWP GibonsLotforDouglass
- EWP Brownsville1922
- EWP Conklin Petition 1941
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 LTM News Reports on Lincoln Purcellville Dispute
- EWP HowardsvilleTransport
- EWP Petition Carver001
- EWP PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Mt Gilead Receipts and Expenses
- EWP Petition Middleburg U
- EWP Hughesville1927001
- EWP Petition March3rd001Salary
- EWP Petitionst Louis 1946
- EWP Petition 1926 Salaries
- EWP Petition Leesburg U 2
- EWP Petition Conklin 1941 001
- EWP 2-6 Yr 1954 Budget Comparison 1954 56 vs 52 54 for Schools
- EWP Petition Leesburg 1932 June 001
- EWP Petitionst Louis U
- EWP Douglas 1951
- EWP Loudoun Cnty Trny Center
- EWP Group Petition For increased Salary
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956 Jan Willisville Out of Coal
- EWP Petitionst Louis 1932
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 May 19 Survey of Lincoln
- EWP Brownsville 1922
- EWP GroupPetition For increased Salary
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Statement Supporting Purcellville
- EWP Petition Transportation To Trng Center
- EWP Paeonian Springs
- EWP Hughesville Deed 1882
- EWP Conklin Petition 1941
- EWP Brownsville
- EWP Nokes May 1933
- EWP Petition Leesburg 1932
- EWP Petition Bluemont 1934 001
- EWP Purcellville1930
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 1 Exchange Wilbur Hall and Attorney General
- EWP Petition ConklinBusDriver