Unison-Bloomfield White

Photo about 1940 provided by Beverly I Tate, Department of Planning Services, LCPS. 2017.

History Lesson: The Unison-Bloomfield School, Loudoun Now 8/18/17

School Days by Flora Hillman. Contains Detailed history and

Opening and Closing

  • 1915 - 1946
  • 1933/34 Program for grades 8-11 was closed and students hauled to Round Hill.
  • 1945/46 Program for grades 1-7 was closed and students hauled to Bluemont, Middleburg and Round Hill.

Physical and Map Location




  • Paper Term Reports for Unison-Bloomfield White, Mercer District, 1924/25 to 1944/45 are in 6.3.2 Box 3.
  • Unison-Bloomfield Teacher’s Cottage: Conveyed to the school system June 15, 1922 from Ada C. Williams and Virgil G. Williams. See Liber 9 P’s, folio 35. Property was improved by a one story frame house of five room and hall. Property also had a good well of water. Sold on August 17, 1929 to Mrs. Dixie Gartrell. Contained 2 acres, 1 rood and 11 perches. Bid was $625.  Source: EWP Archives 9.1 Yr 1929 Court House School Auctions.pdf.
  • History of High School: Built in 1915, was an ordinary joisted, two-story and basement frame stucco building, detached with a metal roof, on stone foundation. It contains six rooms and an auditorium or equivalent to eight class rooms. The school was lit by electricity and heated with a low pressure steam heating plant and furnished with water. It was also equipped with the usual plumbing fixtures necessary to the occupancy. In 1940, it was in excellent condition and insured for $10,000. Unfortunately, the school burned down in 1944.
  • Now owned by Terri Teeter, former school teacher.
  • See vertical file in Edwin Washington Society Research Center, Douglass HS Building, Leesburg


From Annual High School Reports found 13.2 Reports High School 1918-1928.

1927/28: Chemistry will be taught next year in 3rd and 4th grades. Hutton, Principal