EWP 12 Interview transcript Student and Student Bus Driver Louis "Buzzy" Carter Transcribed Dec. 6, 2023 telephone interview with LCPS Student and Student Bus Driver Louis "Buzzy" Carter conducted by Nathan Bailey.
EWP 12 Interview transcript Student John Gulick Transcribed Nov. 7, 2023 telephone interview with LCPS Student and John Gulick conducted by Nathan Bailey.
RCH Driver Sterling Cook Oral history interview transcript conducted by Nathan Bailey
EWP 13 Dec 1953 report on 1952-53 VA. school bus statistics by county Dec 1953 report on VA. school bus statistics by county including: avg. # pupils/bus/day; avg. miles/bus/day; avg. cost/pupil/yr; avg. driver's salary/mile; avg. operation cost/mile; # contracted buses
EWP 12-5 Blueprint for a Shelter to be used by children waiting for a school bus Date Unknown blueprint for a shelter to be used by children waiting for a school bus. See also "EWP 12-5 Yr 1940 Shelter Blueprints and Cost Estimates".
EWP Picture of child with baseball glove next to school bus Date unknown picture of child with baseball glove standing next to school bus
EWP 02-5B Yr 1945 Petition for school bus route change to Round Hill Elementary (Formerly Sunny Ridge Elementary) August 11, 1945 request for school bus route change by the White Round Hill Elementary patrons (formerly Sunny Ridge Elementary). Also April 14, 2016 description of the Sunny Ridge School after its purchase by Mrs. Meta Watts Smith several years before 1949.
EWP 02-5 B Yr 1948 Request School Buses for Aldie Children on Route 632 May 8, 1948 and May 22, 1948 correction petition from Susan M. Cromer to Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Petition request school bus transportation for Aldie children living on route 632. Petition contains parents names and ages of children to be transported.
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for school bus route change to Oak Hill and Lucketts Elementary Yr Unk, Petition by the patrons of Oak Hill and Lucketts Elementary for school bus route change.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1930 Petition to keep Paxson school open March 17, 1930 petition from the mother of a child attending the Paxson school to keep the school open (if only for half a day) vs. bussing children to another school.
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for a school bus to Lucketts school Yr Unk, petition for a school bus for children attending Lucketts school
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Emerick requests bus load study (Bluemont to Round Hill) May 22, 1953, letter from Superintendent OL Emerick to Mr. F. Luke VanSickler of Purcellville. Moving Bluemont's 7th grade to Round Hill elementary in 1954 because number of Bluemont teachers will drop from 3 to 2. Emerick request Mr. VanSickler do a study of school bus #25 to help determine which students attending Round Hill ride pass Bluemont.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1930 Petition to keep Paxson school open and not have young students ride on the bus with Round Hill High School students March 17, 1930 letter from Mrs. Walter Parks to Superintendent OL Emerick joining in on the petition to keep Paxson school open instead of closing it and having elementary school students ride on the bus with Round Hill High School students.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1924 Petition for school bus to Round Hill High School for Bluemont students February 9, 1924 petition from patrons of Bluemont students attending Round Hill High School for school bus transportation.
EWP 2-2 May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda including request from Conklin School for the reappointment of school bus driver Leroy Allen and Highway Engineer report regarding road to be built around Loudoun County High School. Agenda also includes 1954/55 teacher vacancies and recommendations report.
EWP 02-5 B September 11, 1934 Petition from Patrons of Lovettsville school for school bus route adjustment September 11, 1934 petition from patrons of Lovettsville school to adjust newly established school bus route so that it extends to the road from Lovettsville to Wheatland.
EWP 02-5 A November 16, 1944 Petition from attorney J. Raby to School Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for Black children November 16, 1944 petition from attorney James Raby to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for Black children.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1936 Patrons of Closed Mt Gilead School request school bus transportation & refusal response from School Board August 1936 request from patrons of closed Mt Gilead School (illegible) for school bus transportation and August 13, 1936 response from school board refusing the request.
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for school bus service to Aldie school for students living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50) Yr Unk, petition for school bus service to Aldie school for children living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50) and VA Department of Historic Resources Information Sheet for Gilberts Corner Gas Station.
EWP 02.5 A December 14, 1944 Superintendent O.L. Emerick letter to attorney J. Raby on additional colored teacher, new school near St. Louis and Middleburg, alternative school transportation Dec 14, 1944 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to attorney James Raby. The letter authorized an additional teacher for the Middleburg Colored School. School Board supports building a new (colored?) school near St Louis & Middleburg. The School Board could not act on a request for public school transportation but did offer to financially compensate parents who arranged private transportation. Letter states that Loudoun County School Board is interested in improving the education conditions of its colored children.
EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center Date unknown, but because the petition requests school bus transportation for colored students to the 'Loudoun County Training Center' it's assumed to be Pre-Douglass High School (1941). Students are from Willisville, St Louis, Middleburg Colored, Bull Run (Aldie) and Gleedsville (Mountain Gap Colored).
EWP 02-5 A Yr 1954 Letter from parents to Loudoun County School Board requesting Leroy Allen continue as school bus driver in the coming school year. Date unknown, but it is very likely the letter from parents that is referenced in the May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda requesting School Bus Driver Leroy Allen be reappointed for the coming school year. (See also EWP 2-2 May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
EWP 02-5 A March 20, 1945 County-Wide League of Loudoun letter to Superintendent O.L. Emerick and School Board endorse Janie Redmond recommendations made on March 6, 1945. March 20, 1945 County-Wide League of Loudoun letter to Superintendent Emerick and School Board endorses Janie Redmond recommendations made on March 6, 1945. These included Teacher Grade load decrease through school consolidation, providing necessary transportation, building repairs, school supply requests, infrastructure upgrades, additional teachers and maintenance custodians
EWP 2-5A Howardsville Transport
EWP 02-2 January 17, 1941 Response from F.F. Jenkins to C.T. Dean's request for a school or school bus January 17, 1941 correspondence between F.F. Jenkins Director Administration and Finance of the Virginia State Board of Education and Mr. C.T. Dean of Clifton, Virginia. The correspondence references Mr. Dean's request for a school or school bus for children in his community and advises Mr. Dean to seek the help of his local school board for such matters.
EWP 02-5 A Yr 1930s Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center Estimated date = 1930s. The petition requests school bus transportation for colored students to the 'Loudoun County Training Center' it's assumed to be Pre-Douglass High School (1941). Students are from Willisville, St Louis, Middleburg Colored, Bull Run (Aldie) and Gleedsville (Mountain Gap Colored). Additional petition signees to those in 'EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center', otherwise it appears to be the same petition.
EWP 02-2 February 8, 1954, School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes February 8, 1954, School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include bus driver salaries, resignation, school bus transportation statistics.
EWP 03-4 January 21, 1930 Illustrated School Bus Transportation map example and request from Supervisor Division Research and Surveys C.E. Myers to School Superintendent O.L. Emerick January 21, 1930 Illustrated School Bus Transportation map example and request from Supervisor Division Research and Surveys C.E. Myers to School Superintendent O.L. Emerick. Map includes miles between points on the map, types of schools and student related data.
EWP 03 May 02, 1953 correspondence from O.L. Emerick re: using school bus for extra-curricular transportation May 2, 1953 correspondence between Superintendent O.L. Emerick and Mrs. Marion Bowman re: using school bus to transport students to and from Douglass Elementary on May 14, 1953 for extra-curricular activities. Emerick outlines the cost and time constraints to use a school bus. Extra-curricular activities could have been a May Day celebration.
EWP 03 May 14, 1953 correspondence from O. L. Emerick notifying Nokes school closure and students transportation by bus to Herndon school May 14, 1953 correspondence from O. L. Emerick to Miss Nanie Coles notifying her of the end of year Nokes school closing and that children would be transported by school bus to a school near Herndon.
EWP 03 May 14, 1953 correspondence from O.L. Emerick that two, Loudoun, colored schools would be closing and those students would transfer to Fairfax May 14, 1953 correspondence from O. L. Emerick to Mr. W. T. Woodson notifying him of the end of year closing of two, Loudoun colored schools near border between Fairfax and Loudoun and of tuition changes made to transfer students to Fairfax school near Herndon. Assumed the schools were Nokes and Conklin colored schools.
EWP 03 March 26, 1953 correspondence from Principal Ellis to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for Douglass Elementary trip to Mount Vernon March 26, 1953 correspondence from Principal H. G. Ellis to Superintencent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for May 22, 1953 trip to Mount Vernon.
EWP 03 March 24, 1953 correspondence from teachers Daniel, Barrett and Johnson to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for zoo trip March 24, 1953 correspondence from Carver elementary school teachers Daniel, Barrett and Johnson to Superintendent O. L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for trip to zoo. Proposed dates for trip were June 2 or 3, 1953. Mileage and driver costs were to be covered by attendees.
EWP 03 June 4, 1953 correspondence and payment for Carver trip to zoo June 4, 1953 correspondence from Clerk Ellwood B. Jones to Superintendent O.L. Emerick. Correspondence accompanied payment for mileage use of two school buses that provided transportation of Carver students to Washington D.C. zoo on June 3, 1953. See also March 24, 1953 correspondence from Carver teachers Daniel, Barrett and Johnson.
EWP 03 April 30, 1953 correspondence from Carver teachers Furr, Washington, Ewing and Jones to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for Washington D. C. tour April 30, 1953 correspondence from Carver teachers Furr, Washington, Ewing and Jones to Superintencdent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation for a tour of Washington D.C. Proposed dates for trip were May 12 or 13, 1953.
EWP 03 April 27, 1953 correspondence from Bull Run school teacher Bowman to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation to Douglass Elementary May Day Exercises April 27, 1953 correspondence from teacher Marion Bowman to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus transportation of Bull Run School students to Douglass Elementary May Day exercises on May 14, 1953.
EWP 03 April 23, 1953 correspondences from Principal Talbot requesting 3rd school bus for D.C. zoo trip and Superintendent Emerick's presence at Carver's 8th Grade Closing Ceremony as well as Emerick's April 24, 1953 response to the those requests. April 23, 1953 correspondences from Principal Talbot to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting 3rd school bus for June 2 or 3, 1953 Carver D.C. Zoo Trip and Superintendent Emerick's presence at Carver's 8th Grade Closing Ceremony on June 3, 1953. April 24, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick responding to those requests: No on the 3rd school bus; Yes on attending 8th grade Closing Ceremony
EWP 03 April 17, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent Emerick to Principal Sydnor approving school bus for French Club trip, denying bus for trip to baseball game April 17, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent Emerick to Principal Sydnor approving school bus for May 13, 1953 Douglass High School French Club trip to Washington D.C. and denying school bus for May 16, 1953 trip to baseball game. Superintendent Emerick cites reasons for denial.
EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 April 17 Banneker wants school bus for Ball Game for Safety Patrol April 17, 1953 correspomdence from Banneker Principal A.L. Lacey to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting use of school bus for transportation of teachers and Safety Patrol students to Washington D.C. on May 16, 1953 to attend a baseball game.
EWP 03 April 13, 1953 correspondence from Principal Sydnor to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus for Douglass High School French Club trip to Washington, D.C. and Student Patrol trip to baseball game April 13, 1953 correspondence from Principal Sydnor to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting school bus for May 13, 1953 Douglass High School French Club trip to Washington, D.C. and May 16, 1953 Student Patrol trip to baseball game.
EWP 03 July 22, 1948 corrected bus schedule for Williamsburg Trip ("Common Glory" Play) July 22, 1948 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick of corrected school bus schedule for trip to Williamsburg ("Common Glory" Play). Schedule shows two buses, one starting at Tolbert's home the other starting at Bluemont. Both buses then travel to Douglass High making intermediate stops. Both buses leave Douglass High School (presumably for Williamsburg) at the same time.
EWP 03 1947-1949 announcements, permission slips and bus schedules for Williamsburg Field Trip, Including "Common Glory" play
Records include: 1947 - 1949 announcements regarding opportunity for Junior and Senior high school students to tour historic Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown sites as well as attend the historic re-enactment play "Common Glory"; permission slips and school bus schedules for attendees signed by LCPS Superintendent O.L. Emerick; list of attendees - date unknown; announcements from State Superintendent of Public Instruction G. Tyler Miller.
EWP 13 1954 report on 1952-53 LCPS school bus related statistics
1954 report comparing 1952-53 LCPS owned school bus statistics with state wide statistics: (avg. # pupils/bus/day; avg. miles/bus/day; avg. cost/pupil/yr; avg. driver's salary/mile; avg. operation cost/mile)
EWP 3-1 Yr 1944 Aug Welcome to New Students including traffic around school buses and school bus regulations August 22, 1944 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick citing highlights of the 1944-45 school year. Highlights include: date of 1st day of school, compulsory attendance law, traffic laws around school buses while loading or unloading students, authorized school bus passengers
EWP 17 Yr 1951 Newspaper article School Bus driver J. O. Robinson charged with involuntary manslaughter - Prince Edward County March 14, 1951 Newspaper article School Bus driver J. O. Robinson charged with involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of 5 children who were riding his school bus. The bus collided with a passenger train. Robinson and the victims were Black.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Memo to Mrs Popovich Rock Throwing Incident Letter from Mrs. Popovich (date unknown) to a Mr. Hughes acknowledging that her son threw the rock that broke a window on Bus # 35 and offering to pay for the repair. May 25, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick responding to Popovich's offer with the repair cost.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Check from Mrs Popovich for bus repair Letter from Mrs. Popovich (date unknown) accompanying check for repair costs related to son's Rock Trhowing Incident. May 29, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick acknowledging receipt of check for repair costs.
EWP 03 Yr 1944 - 1947 Memos on School related Road Safety Correspondences from Superintendent O.L. Emerick: October 27, 1944 letter to motorists to obey state laws on passing school buses loading or unloading students; September 17, 1946 letter to Loudoun Times Mirror paper expressing gratitude for article promoting motorist driving safely in the interest of children; October 25, 1947 memo requesting publication of an unknown attachment; November 14, 1947 letter to the Blue Ridge Herald paper promising 'School Zone' signs would be posted for Bluemont school.
EWP 2-9 Yr 1956 Literary Fund or Bond Issue Proposal for School Building Needs (Discrimination) January 20, 1956 Literary Fund or Bond Issue. Proposal for financing school building needs. Buildings addressed: Arcola Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, Middleburg Elementary, Banneker Elementary, Douglass Elementary, Douglass High School, School Bus Garage. Handwritten note imploring the Loudoun County School Board to approve the stated improvements in Blacks schools to head off any attempt of Black students attending White schools ("separate but equal"?).
EWP 03 1953 Correspondences Associated with School Buses May 4, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting timely submittal of bills from Long's Service Station; May 4, 1953 Correspondence from Clerk Ruth Emerick requesting receipted bill from F.A. Crosen; May 6, 1953 correspondence from Transportation Supervisor G.R. Hughes to VA. State Police with enclosed inspection tickets; Letter from Mrs. Popovich (date unknown) accompanying check for repair costs related to son's Rock Throwing Incident.
EWP 12-5 Yr 1940 Shelter Blueprints and Cost Estimates. School Bus Shelter Materials List, Blueprints and Cost Estimates
EWP 03 Yr 1940 Memos on Shelters and Bus Stops 1940 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to various individuals re: School bus shelters. Correspondence from K.D. Lindsay re: school bus shelters. Correspondence from C.R. Mullen/H.J. Neale re: School bus shelters Correspondence from R.V. Long re: School Bus Shelter blueprints.
EWP 12-5 Yr 1940 Blueprints (6 pages) for School Bus Waiting Station 1940 6 Pages of Blueprints for a School Bus waiting station. See also 'EWP 03 Yr 1940 Memos on Shelters and Bus Stops'.
EWP 2-2 November 14, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes November 14, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include Douglass connected to sewer line, school bus route changes for school buses #33, #34, salary adjustments, school buildings used as Disaster Shelters, disabled student accommodations, resignations, custodial appointments, teacher appointments, Assessed Valuations for Schools, Bond Issue Vote, Hand Written Note on Literary Fund Bond Issue (See also "EWP 2-9 Yr 1956 Literary Fund or Bond Issue Proposal for School Building Needs (Discrimination)",
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Cover page for 1953 Superior Pioneer School Bus Brochure. 1953 Cover page for 1953 Superior Pioneer School Bus Brochure.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1954 Full View Hackney Bus Advertisement for Hackney 'Fullview' model School Bus. Includes dimensions, pictures, features, 'Fullview' is related to wind shield.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Wayne Special Delux Bus Agreement to Purchase Wayne School Bus body proposal and advertisement. Wayne 1953 Special Delux model bus body pictures, features, specifications, accessories and prices. May 7, 1953 correspondence from G.G. Warner of S.J. Meeks' Son to Loudoun County School Board in response to their April 17, 1953 request for a proposal for three 60 passenger Wayne School Bus bodies. May 14, 1953 correspondence for Superintendent O.L. Emerick to S.J. Meeks' Son (for school bus bodies) and Colonial Motor sales (for school bus chassis).
EWP 12-7 Yr 1953 Wayne Safety Posters Wayne School Bus manufacturer Safety Posters to be displayed in schools.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Ward School Bus Body Sales Pitch January 27, 1953 and March 14, 1953 correspondence from A.S. Drumwright Truck and Bus to Superintendent O.L. Emerick: Ward Bus Body Sales pitch and 'Thanks For Meeting with Me '.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Ward School Bus Body Brochure 1953 Ward School Bus Body sales brochure. School bus body pictures, specifications and features. Distributed by A.S. Drumwright
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Truck Utility Side Boxes by Hackney Hackney Truck Utility Side Boxes brochure, showing dimensions and mounting locations for Model SB-2.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Thomas School Bus Body Brochure 1953 Thomas School Bus Body sales brochure. School bus body pictures, specifications and features.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Superior Pioneer School Bus Brochure 1953 Brochure for Superior Pioneer School Bus. Brochure includes images of bus' features, construction methods, safety features, equipment specifications,
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Pathfinder Bus Body Proposal Pathfinder School Bus body proposal and sales brochure. Smith-Moore Body Company 1953 Superior Pathfinder model school bus body pictures, features, specifications, accessories and prices. May 4, 1953 correspondence from J.H. Smith of Smith-Moore Body Company to Superintendent O.L. Emerick for proposal of 0ne, two, three or more 60 passenger Superior Pathfinder School Bus bodies.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Proposals for school bus chassis From Bishop's Service Station and Purcellville Motors and inquiry from Hackney school bus bodies Proposals from Bishop's Service Station and Purcellville Motors to Loudoun County School Board for the purchase and delivery of various school bus chassis. Also Inquiry from Hackney school bus bodies.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Correspondence from O.L. Emerick on purchase of GMC school bus chassis 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Bishop's Service Station, thanking them for their proposal to provide International Harvester school bus chassis, but the county's decision to buy GMC chassis. 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to McDonald and Jenkins accepting their proposal for the purchase and delivery of GMC school bus chassis.
EWP 12-9 Yr Unknown International Harvester Schoolmaster School Bus Brochure Brochure for International Harvester Schoolmaster School Bus. Brochure includes images of bus' features, construction methods, safety features, equipment specifications,
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 International R 180 Series Trucks Brochure 1953 International Harvester Truck Brochure featuring R Models Specifications and pictures
EWP 12-9 yr 1953 McDonald and Jenkins proposal for GMC school bus chassis 1953 McDonald and Jenkins propoosal to Superintendent O.L. Emerick for purchase and delivery of GMC school bus chassis. Proposal includes chassis specifications and pictures.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Ford Safety Chassis Brochure 1953 Ford school bus safety chassis brochure. Four all new chassis, includes specifications, compatible school bus bodies, pictures.
EWP 12-9 Yr Unknown Wayne School Bus Service catalog cover pages Wayne School Bus Service catalog cover pages.
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Blue Bird Bus Body Brochure 1953 Blue Bird Bus Body brochure, including features, specifications, pictures, manufacturing details
EWP 12-9 Yr 1953 Proposals from Colonial Motor Sales, S.J. Meeks' Son and follow-up letter from Hackney School Bus Body 1953 proposals from Colonial Motor Sales (school bus chassis), S.J. Meeks' Son (school bus body) and follow-up letter from Hackney School Bus Body to Superintendent O.L. Emerick.
EWP 12-6 Yr 1953 Post High School Training under Roberts Brothers Automotive School 1953 correspondence from Robert Brothers Automotive school to Superintendents of High School Vocational Education. Letter sought interest from Superintedents of High School Vocational Education in boys and young men graduating or about to graduate from their institutions who would continue automotive education in the Roberts Brothers schools. The letter presents this as an opprotunity to learn and get experience in the automotive maintenance industry leading to more secure employment.
EWP 12-4 Yr 1952 Wayne Parts Book 1952 Wayne School Bus Body Parts Catalogue. Includes parts for the Wayne Special Delux School Bus Body.
EWP 12-4 Inventories 1946 - 1951 School Buses and Bus Accidents
Loudoun County Public School Inventory of school buses driven by White and Negro drivers from 1946-1951. Information includes bus body and chasis type, year purchased, motor serial number, construction type, number passengers, driver age, driver salary… Accident information including property damage costs.
EWP 12-4 Yr 1951-1956 Inventory of buses driven by Negroes Inventory of school buses driven by Negroes from 1951 - 1956. Includes monthly driver compensation, bus make and model, school bus manufacturer, motor ID, body and chassis year, body construction, total daily mileage
EWP 12-4 Yr 1951-1956 Inventory of buses driven by Blacks and Whites Inventory of school buses driven by Blacks and Whites from 1951 - 1956. Includes monthly driver compensation, bus make and model, school bus manufacturer, motor ID, body and chassis year, body construction, total daily mileage
EWP 12-4 Inventories 1941 to 46 Negro Driven Buses Loudoun County Public School Inventory of school buses driven by Negroes from 1941-1946. Information includes bus body and chasis type, year purchased, motor serial number, construction type, number passengers, driver age, driver salary…
EWP 12-4 Yr 1945 Handwritten Notes on School Bus/School Bus Driver Costs 1945 Handwritten notes presumed to be costs of private and county bus/bus drivers. Purpose unknown.
EWP 08 1956 School Board Meeting Agenda
May 14, 1956 School Board Agenda including : purchase of school bus chassis, school bus bodies, list of resignations and appointments, allocation of school interior painting funds, band instruction requests and how funded, estimates for school house improvements, recommended school bus driver and maintenance staff assignments, recommended school janitor assignments, recommended school secretary assignments, 1956-1957 teacher vacancies.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Letter from Emerick to Hackney re: New Bus Bids May 29, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Hackney Brothers. Purpose: let Hackney Brothers know LCPS has purchased their bus bodies from Wayne Works. Likely in response to a proposal for bus bodies from Hackney Brothers.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 New Bus Bid Proposal Solicitations and Hackney Brothers responses April 27, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick soliciting bids for school bus bodies from McDonald and Jenkins, S.J. Meeks' Son, Hackney Brothers, Colonial Motor Sales, Purcellville Motor Company, Windsor Motor Company and Bishop's Service Station. Responding correspondences from Hackney Brothers to O.L. Emerick. (See also EWP 12-4 Yr 1953 Letter from Emerick to Hackney re: New Bus Bids)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Superintendent O.L. Emerick Request of Mr. Robert A. Myers for Aldie (White) Elementary school bus schedules. Ocober 7, 1952 request from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mr. Robert A. Myers (Aldie Principal?) of Aldie VA. The request is for schedule information for buses 5 and 23 which deliverd students to Aldie Elementary in 1952-1953. Information re: 8th grade students in Middleburg was part of request.
EWP 12-3 Routes Yr 1952 McGraw's Ridge and Pleasant Valley to Arcola Elementary December 8, 1952 School Bus route # 7 from McGraw's ridge to Arcola Elementary and Pleasant Valley to Arcola Elementary.
EWP 12-3 School bus route change to Lovettsville (White) school and request for bills October 8, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to school bus driver Mr. W. F. Lindsey authorizing a route change for privately owned bus # 12. October 9, 1951 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to school bus driver Alvin Fleming authorizing a route change for county school bus (# 10). May 4, 1953 correspondence from clerk Ruth Emerick to Mr. Robert McClain requesting he submit his bills for March and April (1953).
EWP 12-3 Yr 1951 to 1953 Lincoln High School Route Issues September 11, 1951 - June 13, 1953 correspondences from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mabel Taylor, J. Lupton Simpson, Amos Wiley and William Carbaugh addressing School Bus Route issues for Lincoln High School. Also find responses from J. Lupton Simpson and William Carbaugh.
EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 to 1953 Conklin Elementary School Bus Route Issues
Route 35 for Conklin Elementary School. October 15, 1952 - May 14, 1953 correspondences from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to school bus driver Leroy Allen and Ernestine Stewart addressing school bus route for Conklin Elementary and closure of Conklin Elementary in 1953.
EWP 03 September 14, 1954 Cover page and Consolidated Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 September 14, 1954 Cover page and Consolidated Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50
EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races Study
1952 Black and White School Bus Routes with 1/25/2017 Summary from the Edwin Washington Project. Routes described are #s: 1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 38, 36, 40.
EWP 2-2 Yr 1955 School Board Agenda and Minutes with Proposed Staffing Assignments, budgets and bus/school assignments
June 13, 1955 School Board Agenda and Minutes with proposed staffing assignments, budgets and bus/school assignments
EWP 12 Yr 1947 Intro to Edwin Washington Project (cover page for 1947 School Transportation) Jan 25, 2017 written introduction to the Edwin Washington Project (Cover page for 1947 School Transportation Survey?)
EWP 12 Yr 1954 Intro to Edwin Washington Project and details of recommended 1954 white school bus routes # 1 - 38
Jan 25, 2017 written introduction to the Edwin Washington Project. March 9, 1954 recommendation for school bus routes for Loudoun County Elementary and High Schools. Details of 1954 white school bus routes # 1 - 38. (Leesburg Elementary, Loudoun County High, Arcola Elementary, Aldie Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Ashburn Elementary, Bluemont Elementary, Round Hill Elementary, Middleburg Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Purcellville Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, Hillsboro Elementary, Waterford Elementary, Lovettsville Elementary, Lucketts Elementary). 1952-53 School Bus Transportation statistics for those 38 routes. Recommendations for a Four Point Transportation System.
EWP 12 Yr 1947 Intro to Edwin Washington Project and details of recommended 1947 white school bus routes # 1 - 32 based on proposed consolidation of high schools
Jan 25, 2017 written introduction to the Edwin Washington Project. August 1947 recommendation to the State Department of Education for Loudoun County white school bus routes for elementary and high schools, with the consolidation of high schools into Loudoun County High School. Information collected pre 1947-48 school year showing distribution of students between the 16 elementary and 4 high schools, also showing those transported by bus. Details of proposed 1947 white school bus routes # 1 - 32 ( Leesburg Elementary, Loudoun County High, Arcola Elementary, Aldie Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Ashburn Elementary, Bluemont Elementary, Round Hill Elementary, Middleburg Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Purcellville Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, Hillsboro Elementary, Waterford Elementary, Lovettsville Elementary, Lucketts Elementary)
EWP 02-2 October 10, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda
October 10, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda includes school bus route changes, comparison of one, three and five year insurance plans, school construction and additions
EWP 02-5B Yr 1936, Mt Gilead Request for School Bus Service and refusal from Superintendent O.L. Emerick August 6, 1936, request for school bus service for Mt. Gilead. Written by Mrs. Gilbert Jewell to Mr. Emerick. August 13, 1936, response from Superintendent O.L. Emerick refusing the request.
EWP 12-4 Yr 1939 Loudoun County Public Schools Inventory of School Buses Summary of Loudoun County School Budget beginning July 1, 1939 (page 30). Shows the number of private and county owned school buses in the 1938/39 school year and proposed purchases for the 1939/40 school year.
EWP 12 School Bus Route Cover Page Purcellville 1952 1952 Cover Page for School Bus Route Purcellville Town section. Reference routes 33, 34 and white transportation petition. No detail.
EWP 12 School Bus Route Cover Page Conklin 1952 - 1953 1952 - 1953 Cover Page for School Bus Route Conklin section. Reference route 35 driven by Leroy Allen, closure of Conklin school after 1953 notice given to Ernestine T. Stewart. No detail.
EWP 12 Yr 1954 Intro to Edwin Washington Project and summary of 1954 school bus routes
Jan 25, 2017 written introduction to the Edwin Washington Project and summary of 1954 school bus routes for Arcola, Conklin, Leesburg Elementary and Loudoun County High schools
EWP 12 School Bus Route Cover Page Loudoun County 1952 1952 Cover Page for School Bus Route Loudoun County section. Reference routes 16, 26, 30, 32, 36 and 40 appear to be for African American children, the rest appear to be for white children. No detail.
EWP 12 School Bus Route Cover Page Loudoun County Consolidated High and Elementary 1954 1954 Cover Page for School Bus Routes Loudoun County Consolidated High and Elementary Schools section. Reference white students. No detail.
EWP 12 School Bus Route Cover Page Waterford 1953 1953 Cover Page for School Bus Route Waterford section. Reference April 8, 1953 memo on route change. No detail.
EWP 12-3 Compilation/Checklist of scanned 1954 white school bus routes request for Black school bus driver info.
Compilation/checklist of scanned 1954 white school bus routes. Letter showing partial list of Black school bus drivers and their routes and wanting to know if any of the drivers were still alive.
EWP 12-4 Partial School Bus Inventory for 1955/56 Partial inventory of 1955/56 school buses. Shows information about spare buses and bus assigned to deliver pupils to Banneker Elementary
EWP 12-4 Partial School Bus Inventory for 1955/56- 2 Partial inventory of 1955/56 school buses. Shows information about buses and the schools they serve.
EWP 02-2 Yr 1952 Letter requesting school bus route extension for Bus 20 (O.L. Jacobs school bus driver) - page 1 September 8, 1952 correspondence to O.L. Emerick and School Board to extend Bus 20's route (O.L. Jacobs school bus driver). Submitted by parents: George Fields, Thomas White, Frances Longesbram, Charles White, C. Pearson and Robert Stone - page 1
EWP 02-2 Yr 1952 Letter requesting school bus route extension for Bus 20 (O.L. Jacobs school bus driver) - page 2 September 8, 1952 correspondence to O.L. Emerick and School Board to extend Bus 20's route (O.L. Jacobs school bus driver). Submitted by parents: George Fields, Thomas White, Frances Longesbram, Charles White, C. Pearson and Robert Stone - page 2
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick response to school bus route change request October 10, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mrs J.H. Forsyth. The correspondence is a response from Emerick to her earlier request for a change in Bus # 26's route.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Emerick notification that Conklin Elementary School will close May 4. 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mrs. Ernestine T. Stewart. The correspondence notifies her of Conklin Elementary School closure at school year end. Transportation to a Herndon school will be provided beginning next school year.
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Lee Roy Allen for school bus schedule (Bus #35- Conklin Elementary) October 7. 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to bus driver Lee Roy Allen (Bus #35). The correspondence requests Mr. Allen submit his school bus schedule (presumably for the 1952/53 school year). School bus # 35 served Conklin Elementary.
EWP 03 Yr 1953 Emerick authorizes Lee Roy Allen to change school bus route (Bus #35- Conklin Elementary) January 28, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to bus driver Lee Roy Allen (Bus #35). The correspondence directs Mr. Allen to change the route of school bus # 35 (presumed effective for the remainder of the 1952/53 school year). School bus # 35 served Conklin Elementary.
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Lee Roy Allen for school bus schedule corrections (Bus #35- Conklin Elementary) (2nd corrections) October 27. 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to bus driver Lee Roy Allen (Bus #35). School bus # 35 served Conklin Elementary. The correspondence requests Mr. Allen make a 2nd set of corrections to the school bus schedule he submitted (presumably for the 1952/53 school year). See also 'EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Lee Roy Allen for school bus schedule corrections (1st corrections)'.
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Lee Roy Allen for school bus schedule corrections (Bus #35- Conklin Elementary) (1st corrections)
October 15, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to bus driver Lee Roy Allen (Bus #35). School bus # 35 served Conklin Elementary. The correspondence requests Mr. Allen make corrections to the school bus schedule he submitted (presumably for the 1952/53 school year). See also 'EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Lee Roy Allen for school bus schedule'.
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick authorizes O. Ray Stewart to change school bus route to Carver Elementary November 12, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to bus driver O. Ray Stewart (Bus #34). The correspondence directs Mr.Stewart to change the route of school bus # 34 which served Carver Elementary (presumed effective for the remainder of the 1952/53 school year).
EWP 03 Yr 1952 Emerick request to Alfred K. Talbot Jr. for school bus schedules October 7, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mr. Alfred K. Talbot Jr. The correspondence requests Mr. Talbot submit school bus schedules for bus #33 & #34 (Carver Elementary) (presumably for the 1952/53 school year).
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 14, 15 and 17 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 14, 15 and 17
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 10 and 12 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 10 and 12
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 8 and 9 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 8 and 9
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 5, 6 and 7
1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 5, 6 and 7
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1 and 2 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1 and 2
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 45, 46 and 47 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 45, 46 and 47
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 29, 31 and 37 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 29, 31 and 37
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 48, 49 and 50 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 48, 49 and 50
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 42, 43 and 44 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 42, 43 and 44
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 38, 39 and 41 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 38, 39 and 41
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus route 29 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus route 29
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 25, 27 and 28 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 25, 27 and 28
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 21, 22 and 23 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 21, 22 and 23
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 18, 19 and 20 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 18, 19 and 20
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 3 and 4 1954 Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 3 and 4
EWP 03 Yr 1954 Cover page of Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 September 14, 1954 cover page of Copy/Paste/Handwritten corrections to school bus routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50
EWP 03 School bus route 28 (Cool Spring and Mountain Gap to Leesburg) School bus route 28 (Cool Spring and Mountain Gap to Leesburg) (year unknown).
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Oak Hill and Limestone to Lucketts) (Bus # 1) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Oak Hill and Limestone to Lucketts) (Bus # 1)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Watson and Lovettsville to Douglass) (Bus # 36 and Bus # 40) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Watson and Lovettsville to Douglass Elementary and High Schools) (Bus # 36 and Bus # 40)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Rock Hill to Willisville to Banneker to Carver to Douglass High) (Bus # 16) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Rock Hill to Willisville to Banneker to Carver to Douglass High school) (Bus # 16)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Aldie and Purcellville to Douglass Elementary and High Schools) (Bus # 26 and Bus # 30) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Aldie to Middleburg to Douglass Elementary and High Schools. Purcellville to Hillsboro, to Round Hill, to Carver to Douglass Elementary and High Schools) (Bus # 26 and Bus # 30)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Coleman's, Ryan and Cool Spring to Leesburg) (Bus # 18, Bus # 28 and Bus # 29) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Coleman's to Sterling to Leesburg, Ryan to Ashburn to Leesburg and Cool Spring and Mountain Gap to Leesburg) (Bus # 18, Bus # 28 and Bus # 29)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Paeonian Springs, ? , and Ryan to Leesburg) (Bus # 38, Bus # ? and Bus # 29) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Paeonian Springs to Waterford and Clark's Gap to Leesburg, ? To Leesburg and Ryan to Ashburn to Leesburg) (Bus # 38, Bus # ? and Bus # 29)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Red Hill, Milltown and Furnace Mountain to Leesburg) (Bus # 14, Bus # 15 and Bus # 17) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Red Hill to Sycoline to Leesburg, Milltown to Waterford and Clark's Gap to Leesburg and Furnace Mountain to Lucketts to Leesburg) (Bus # 14, Bus # 15 and Bus # 17)
EWP 03 Yr 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Mountville to Banneker) (Bus # 32) 1952 School Bus Routes All Races (Mountville to Leithton to Middleburg to Banneker) (Bus # 32)
EWP 01 March 16, 1940 page from Houston, Houston & Hastie letter to Superintendent Emerick on school bus transportation for Black students March 16, 1940 page 3 of a letter from the law firm of Houston, Houston & Hastie to Superintendent OL Emerick. In face of the inequities in school bus transportation between Black and White students, this page discusses "the obligation of the county to furnish Negro school children bus transportation on equal terms with white children similarly circumstanced."
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Lucketts Elementary field trip to Mt Vernon and Washington DC Zoo and TV Show April 17, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Mt Vernon; April 24, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Washington DC Zoo; May 26, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Washington DC TV Show. Trips taken in buses 38 and 43.
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoices for Field Trips from Leesburg HS to Washington DC and Aldie April and May 1953 invoices and payments for school bus trips in support of high school baseball, football and basketball games, and a trip to The Smithsonian and the Capital.
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoices and payments for Field Trips from Ashburn HS to Leesburg and, Ashburn and Leesburg to Washington DC. April and May 1953 invoices and payments for 4/16/1953 school bus trip from Ashburn to Leesburg in support of symphony orchestra. Invoice and payment for 5/15/2953 trips from Ashburn and Leesburg to Washington DC. Also, a thank you letter dated June 8, 1953 from Ashburn and Mountain Gap schools for Emerick's permission to take a June 2, 1953 trip to Richmond, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown.
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Douglass Elementary field trip to Mt Vernon May 28, 1953, Invoice and payment for field trip from Douglass Elementary to Mt Vernon.
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Conklin Elementary field trip to Washington DC Zoo June 3, 1953, payment and invoice for June 2, 1953, school field trip from Conklin Elementary to Washington DC Zoo.
EWP 04-9 Yr 1953 Hillsboro School PTA wants school bus #9 route change September 21, 1953, request from September 18, 1953, Hillsboro school PTA meeting to change school bus # 9's route. Request from Grace F. Baber to Mr. Emerick.
EWP 03 O. L. Emerick Biography
Account of the life of O. L. Emerick.
EWP 12 Early School Buses
Newspaper article citing first two horse drawn school buses in Loudoun County.
EWP 09 Bluemont White with 3 mile
It's estimated that the maximum distance students would have walked to this school is 3 miles one way. The graphic shows the area from which students may have walked to this school.
EWP 12-2 Yr. 1955 White Bus Drivers
Collection of white bus drivers in front of Loudoun County school buses.
EWP 12-7 1955 Traffic Accident involving Douglass Student
Newspaper article detailing traffic accident (fender bender) caused by Douglass High School student.
EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 Carver/O. Ray Stewart School Bus Info Correspondences between Superintendent O.L. Emerick and Carver Principal A.K. Talbot requesting info from driver O. Ray Stewart's school bus trips (Sep 30,1952 - Dec 12, 1952).
EWP 12-3 Routes 1954 Banneker and Others
Aug 19, 1954 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to the editor of the Blue Ridge Herald requesting
enclosed bus driver assignment, bus size and bus route information be published.
EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 Ashburn White Oct . 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Robert L. Robertson requesting Ashburn White info from driver William Solomon's school bus trips
EWP 2-2 Yr 1954 School Board Agenda and Minutes including Discussion of Peabody Scholarship, plaque for Loudoun County High School, school transportation related items, staffing assignments and Dec 6, 1954 correspondence from George Shaffer to Superintendent O.L. Emerick
12/13/1954 School Board Agenda and Minutes including Discussion of Peabody Scholarship, plaque for Loudoun County High School, school transportation related items, staffing assignments and Dec 6, 1954 correspondence from George Shaffer to Superintendent O.L. Emerick.
EWP 12-3 Routes Yr 52 53 Aldie White 1952 and 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Fred Dominy, Robert Myers and bus driver Paul Smith, requesting Aldie school bus trip info, and authorizing Aldie school bus route changes.
EWP 12-3 Routes Yr 52 53 Aldie White DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 12-3 Routes Yr 53 53 Aldie White)
EWP Waterford1953001 Apr. 8, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to driver Robert F. McGruder Jr. authorizing a school bus route change to Waterford school.
EWP 1952 Waterford Route Oct 27, 1952 request from Mrs. Maxie Gaskins for bus route change to Waterford School and Oct 29, 1952 response from School Superintendent O.L. Emerick.
EWP 12-3 Routes 1952 Round Hill 1952 Bunker Hill route Oct. 8, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Round Hill bus driver D. Shugars authorizing school bus route change.
EWP 12-3 Roads 1939 001 Sep. 26, 1939 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to school principals requesting a map showing high school student and student bus riding information.
EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 Route 24 Oct. 8, 1952 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to S. Sydnor requesting schedule for Douglass High from school bus driver G. Carpenter and plan for admitting students into the school early.
EWP 12-3 Route Name Convention in 1952 Dec. 3, 1952 correspondence from superintendent O.L. Emerick to Robert Myers justifying school bus route description.
EWP 12-3 Leesburg 1952 Access to Building Issue DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 12-3 Yr 1952 Route 24)
EWP 5-2 Yr 1945 Vocational School, Regional Institute of Applied Arts, School Bus Transportation costs and statistics
Proposed Plan for Operation of the Vocational School At Manassas, Report of Commitee on Regional Instutute of Applied Arts, June 21, 1945 Minutes of the Meeting of the Advisory Board of the Manassas State Vocational School, School Bus Transportation Statistics and Costs, Manassas State Vocational School related costs, Manassas State Vocational School Staff, Manassas State Vocational School Enrollment Statistics,
EWP 5-2 Yr 1944 Memo Announcing Manassas Vocational School, School Bus Transportation and proposed attendees June 6, 1944 Memo announcing the Manassas Vocational School, School Bus Transportation and proposed attendees
EWP 2-1 Yr 1944 Memo - Manassas Vocational Training School (Meeting of Superintendents)
February 17, 1944 Memo from O.L. Emerick to Principals of White high schools in several counties asking for names of students (presumably White) that are candidates to attend a 10 week Vocational Training School in Manassas. The training would be conducted the summer of 1944. Instruction and transportation costs (presumably by school bus) to Manassas would be covered by the State of Virginia from the National Defense Training funds.
EWP 2-5 1949-50 Study of the options for converting Loudoun County White high schools to meet standards Study of the options for converting or consolidating Loudoun County White high schools to meet standards (assumed these are VA state standards). Study compares the costs and requirements for having one , two or four county high schools for White children. The study includes costs, building, curriculum, school bus and faculty requirements.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1950 Mt Gilead District wants a new School Bus Route December 5, 1950 petition from patrons of Mt. Gilead to Loudoun County School Board requesting an extension of the school bus route to the junction of route 662 and route 728 and thence along route 728 to the Joseph Y Bailey farm (approx 2.5 miles from the original end of the school bus route).
EWP 2-2 January 9, 1956 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
January 9, 1956 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Includes proposed 1956-57 teacher salary guidelines, salary schedule for local permits and emergency licenses. Includes a proposal for school bus garages.
EWP 2-2 August 9, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
August 9, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Includes some 1954-55 bus driver, teacher, school secretary and custodial assignments. Includes 1954-55 scholarships from the Peabody Trust Fund and school bus route changes for bus #5.
EWP 2-2 November 8, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
November 8, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Includes topic of extending the 1954-55 routes of school buses #13, #15, #22, #38.
EWP 2-2 October 12, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
October 12, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Includes proposed road improvements for school bus transportation. Includes proposed appointment of school clerks, changes in school bus routes for school buses #9, #14, #35, #41 and report on school construction funds.
EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers Douglass HS 1968 to 1969
Oct 1967 Absentee/Substitute School Bus Driver report for Joseph Preston Peterson (Douglass High).
EWP 12-2 List of Drivers in 2-2 Yr 1955 May Repairs Teachers and Student Distribution
May 1955 Meeting Minutes from a meeting with the Superintendent
EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers 1955a
Closeup picture of white bus drivers in front of bus taken circa 1955.
EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers 1955 Picture of white bus drivers in front of a line of buses taken circa 1955.
EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers Yr 1955 Photo DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers 1955)
EWP 12-2 Yr 1955 Bus Driver Conference Nov. 21, 1955 Correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to white and colored school Principals and school bus drivers re: State Highway Patrol bus inspections.
EWP 12-2 Drivers 1935 to 1954
School Bus Driver Rosters from 1935 - 1954 (with some years missing). Jan 19, 1953 correspondence from Commonwealth of Virginia State Board of Education to Certain Division Superintendents on statewide analysis of pupil transportation costs.
EWP 12-2 Bus Drivers 1952 001 1952 School Bus Driver Roster (Corrected in file EWP 12-2 School Bus Driver Rosters 1935 to 1954)
EWP 2-2 February 22, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes February 22, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Includes some proposed 1954/55 school clerk, teacher and school bus driver assignments. Includes construction costs and resignations/vacancies.
EWP 12-2 Yr U Bus Driver Roscoe B Newman Lucketts Rear of driving permit for school bus driver Roscoe B. Newman (Bus 24)? Year Unknown. NOTE: Roscoe Newman is on bus driver payroll in 1953/1954.
EWP 12-2 Yr 1953 Retirement of Driver JJ Cooper May 14, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to school bus driver H. J. Cooper (Forced retirement).
EWP 2-2 January - March 1955 School Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
January 10, February 28, and March 14, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics covered include resignations, staffing assignments, 1955/56 Peabody Trust Fund Scholarships, school bus driver assignments, sale of Lincoln school building
EWP 2-2 July 12, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
July 12, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include pay of Contract School Bus dirvers, 1953/54 and 1954/55 pay reconciliation, some 1954/55 bus driver assignments, some 1954/55 teacher assignments, some 1954/55 Custodial assignments, some 1954/55 school secretary assigments
EWP 2-2 February 8, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
February 8, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include bus driver salaries, resignation, school bus transportation statistics.
EWP 15-1 Yr U Chapter VI Education and Drivers
Loudoun County Government Education (Including Administration (County Officers, State Control) , School Finance (Expenditures, State Aid), Special Problems (Transportation, Attendance Offices, Use of School Buildings))
EWP 17 Newspaper article announcing Teacher, School Bus Driver, Custodial and school secretary assignments Newspaper article announcing Teacher, School Bus Driver, Custodial and school secretary assignments (Publication and date unknown).
EWP 12-2 Yr 1950s Sulva Warner at Carver Photo of School Bus Driver Sulva Warner with bus in front of Carver school. Photo taken in the 1950's.
EWP 12-2 Yr 1950s Orlando Ray Stewart at Carver
Photo of School Bus Driver Orlando Ray Stewart with bus in front of Carver school. Photo taken in the 1950's.
EWP 2-2 September 14, 1953 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
September 14, 1953 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include additional teaching positions, colored schools 1/2 day emancipation request, state mandated salary for Elementary certificate holders, bus problems, metrics for number of teachers and average class size per school, school transportation requests, resignations, teacher, school bus driver and clerk recommendations.
EWP 3 Yr 1953 Emerick asks for study of Bus Load Bluemont to Round Hill
May 22, 1953 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to Mr. F. Luke Vansickler requesting information about students riding bus # 25.
EWP 2-2 June 14, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
June 14, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include dividing Bull Run School in half and adding one teacher, school calendar, car for Drivers Education, offer to purchase Conklin School building, sale of Lincoln Elementary School, Lincoln and Lovettsville cottages, appointment of teachers school bus drivers, custodians and school secretaries.
EWP 2-2 November 9, 1953 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
November 9, 1953 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes. Topics include sale of Mountain Gap School, extension of route for school bus #40, payment request to drive new bus from Richmond IN., appointment of clerk, school bus condition complaint, teacher recommendation
EWP 2-2 Yr 1948 School Bus Parking Lot Leesburg School June 25, 1948 Diagram and specs for fenced in school bus lot near Leesburg School from O.L. Emerick.
EWP 14-3 Yr U Transportation by Gene Scheel History of modes of transportation in Loudoun County from the 18th through 20th centuries.
EWP 12 Yr 2017 Aug Transport Survey Written surveys conducted in 2017, of school transportation and school conditions in 1943 and 1946. Schools: Grant, Carver, Banneker, Douglass.