EWP 09 Deeds and Construction
Item Set
- EWP 9-1 Deeds Yr 1960 Middleburg White Addition
- EWP 9-1 Deeds Yr 1945 Col Purcellville
- EWP 9-1 Deeds Yr 1939 McGraw Ridge et al
- EWP 9-1 Ashburn School Yr 1930 Probably White School
- EWP 9 Yr 1832 Deed for David James A farmer
- EWP 6-1 Yr 1927 June John G Turley went to William and Mary
- EWP 2018 06 14 12 30 34
- EWP 2018 05 21 10 49 32
- EWP 2018 05 14 10 51 07
- EWP 2017 04 27 14 49 24
- EWP 2016 Draft List of Schools.docx pdf
- EWP 2-4-1 Yr 1954 Colored School Split
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1956 3-12 School Brd Agend and Minutes
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1955 4-12 Teacher at Conklin
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1954 9-17 Removal of Colored From OakGrove School Brd Many Issues
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1954 1-18 Equipment Costs for LC High School
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1954 1-11 School Board Agenda and Minutes
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1952 4-25 Plans for White High School
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1952 2-21 BOS and School Brd Policy on Construction Budget
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1951 3-30 Emerick to Smith of Lincoln on School Lot Problem
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1951 3-19 Sch Brd Meeting on School Building Program
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1931 Preliminary Report of Myer's School Survey Commission
- EWP 2-2 Yr 1930 Oct 14 School Board Minutes
- EWP Willisville Extension in 1934
- EWP WillardSchool2
- EWP WillardMap2-1024x508
- EWP WillardMap-838x1024
- EWP TBLEmerickMapYr1923
- EWP SycolineColored
- EWP Stumptown Definition in 1922
- EWP page8cell
- EWP Page8
- EWP page7
- EWP page6c
- EWP page6b
- EWP page6a
- EWP page6
- EWP page5
- EWP Oatlands School (1)
- EWP InsideFrontCover
- EWP Insert
- EWP HughesvilleColored3
- EWP HughesvilleColored2
- EWP HughesvilleColored1
- EWP FireSuppressant2
- EWP FireEscape
- EWP Fire Equipment in 1938
- EWP Dimensions
- EWP Deeds
- EWP cover
- EWP CoalLogo
- EWP CarterTripFoundationStone2
- EWP CarterField2
- EWP Bridges School
- EWP BookShelvesNov1930a
- EWP BookShelvesNov1930
- EWP BluemontColoredSchool
- EWP AshburnHighSchool
- EWP ArcolaPhotoConstruction
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Land Army 4
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Land Army 3
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Land Army 2 Perhaps Willisville
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Land Army 1
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 essay on landarmy3
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Essay on landarmy2
- EWP 9-7 Yr 1942 Essay on landarmy1
- EWP 9-4
- EWP 9-2-3 Yr 1930 Unison Bloomfield Cottage2
- EWP 9-2-3 Yr 1930 Unison Bloomfield Cottage1
- EWP 9-2-2 Yr 2018 Map of Willard School Houses
- EWP 20180628 162007
- EWP 20180628 124426
- EWP 20180628 124239
- EWP 20180628 123703(1)
- EWP 20180628 122825 HDR
- EWP 20180628 115213 HDR
- EWP 20180628 105048
- EWP 20180628 095938
- EWP 1916UnisonBloomfieldSchoolBeingConstructed-2-800x445
- EWP 1880Uncertain002
- EWP 1880Uncertain001