- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter003
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter002
- EWP 2-5A LoudounCntyTrngCenter001
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter001
- EWP 2-5A PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgJune1935
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935006
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935005
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935004
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935003
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935002
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935001
- EWP 2-5A PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWPPetitionLeesburgU2002
- EWPPetitionLeesburgU2001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932005
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932004
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1928
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1927001
- EWP 2-5A HowardsvilleTransport
- EWPHowardsVilleTransport002
- EWP 2-5A HowardsVilleTransport001
- EWPHowardsVilleTransport001
- EWP 2-5A Howardsville Transport
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWPPetitionHighSchool004
- EWPPetitionHighSchool003
- EWPPetitionHighSchool002
- EWPPetitionHighSchool001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946
- EWPGrantSchool1945Jan15002
- EWPGrantSchool1945009
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1945
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1944Parents
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglass1951001
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952003
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952002
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglas1952
- EWP 2-5A GibonsLotforDouglass
- EWPGibonsLot006
- EWPGibonsLot005
- EWPGibonsLot004
- EWPGibonsLot003
- EWPGibonsLot002
- EWPGibonsLot001
- EWP 2-5A Douglas1951
- EWP 2-5A PetitionCarver001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionCarver001
- EWPPetitionCarver001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville1922
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBluemont1934001
- EWPPetitionBluemont1934001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionByCLMurray
- EWPSalaryEquity
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMarch3rd001Salary
- EWPProbablyNegro2
- EWPProbablyNegro
- EWP 2-5A Consolidation1945
- EWP 2-5A StLouisVALTMarticle25Sept1980(2)
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882
- EWP 2-5A Grant15Jan1945
- EWPPetitionWillisville1930002
- EWPPetitionWillisville1930001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1930
- EWP 2-5A Yr UListofWillisvilleStudentswhoGraduatedfrom7thGrade
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956JanWillisvilleOutofCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1924HamiltonPTAwantsFemaleTeacherandnewschool
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1929PhilomontwantsSchoolatGreggsville
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center)
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1951NAACPonToilets
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945CWLVsriousRecommendations
- EWPFireTrapMemo1940b
- EWPFireTrapMemo1940a
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap1
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap
- EWP 2-5A LarryRoeder
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinTeacherPerformance
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher(2)
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A ConklinPetition194Jan17
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantsTeacherReplaced
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1935
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinU
- EWPPetitionConklinAbt1935002
- EWPPetitionConklinAbt1935001
- EWPPetitionConklin002
- EWPPetitionConklin001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinTeacherComplaint
- EWPPetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWPPetitionConklin1941003
- EWPPetitionConklin1941002
- EWPPetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A ConklinPetition1941
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWPRyanPetition003
- EWPRyanPetition002
- EWPRyanPetition001
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan28AshburnNeedsCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleHasnoCoalOnlyDirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1955Jan11WillisvilleoutofCoalJusthasdirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 19551956WillisvilleandAshburnCoalMemos
- EWP 2-5A Yr UBullRun7thGradeGraduates
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1938TeachersPayRaise
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1937TeacherswantaSlaterSupervisor
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1954BullRunRequestforExtraRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)BullRunroomrequest(1)
- EWP 2-5A 2-5A1954BullRunPetNeedsRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-2Yr19546-14SchoolBoardAgendaandBudget
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sReqBusestoTrainingCenter
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934BluemontNeedstransport
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934AnalysisBluemontNeedsTransport
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A 2-5BYrULeithtonOpposesConsolidation
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945MarchPetiion12CountyWideViewsonConsolidation
- EWP 2-5A 3-1Yr19481951AccreditationofHighSchools
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940ProbWhitesProtestHSVenue
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sCallforAccreditedHS
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001pdf
- EWP 2-5A ReceiptforMaddypdf
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930pdf
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882pdf
- EWP 2-5A 2-5Yr2018PrebichStudy6pdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleisoutofCoalpdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931MayReligiousLeadersComplainofGamespdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sReqforBusestotransportkidstoTrainingCenterpdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sLauraCookEvidenceWhySchoolMustExpandpdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan28AshburnNeedsCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1955JanWillisvilleoutofCoaljusthasdirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleHasnoCoalOnlyDirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 19551956WillisvilleandAshburnCoalMemos
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sReqBusestoTrainingCenter
- EWP2-5AYrUListofStudentsfrom7thGRade
- EWP 2-5A Yr UBullRun7thGradeGraduates
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1937TeacherswantaSlaterSupervisor
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRunNK001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun002
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear003
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear002
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear001
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1954BullRunRequestforExtraRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)BullRunroomrequest(1)
- EWP 2-5A 2-5A1954BullRunNeedsRoom
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville1922002
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934OctBluemontNeedstransporttoRockHill
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)Bluemont
- EWP 2-5B Yr U Leithton Opposed to Consolidation
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWP 2-5A Yr Citizens Callfor Accredited HS
- NewHS2
- NewHS1
- EWP 3-1 Yr 1948-1951 Accreditation of High Schools
- EWP 2-5A Yr Request Accredited HS Building
- EWP 2-5A Prob 1940 Whites Protest HS Venue
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001
- EWPPurcellville1930001
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930
- EWPPaperCli-RinkLip001
- EWPLeroyAllenBus002
- EWPLeroyAllenBus001
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882
- EWP 2-5A EWP 2-5A 2-2Yr2018PrebichStudy6
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleisoutofCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931MayReligiousLeadersComplainofGames
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sReqforBusestotransportkidstoTrainingCenter
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sLauraCookEvidenceWhySchoolMustExpand