- EWP 2-5A LoudounCntyTrnyCenter
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter004
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter003
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter002
- EWP 2-5A LoudounCntyTrngCenter001
- EWPLoudounCntyTrngCenter001
- EWP 2-5A PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgJune1935
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935006
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935005
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935004
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935003
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935002
- EWPPetitionLeesburgJn1935001
- EWP 2-5A PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWPPetitionLeesburgU2002
- EWPPetitionLeesburgU2001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932005
- EWPPetitionLeesburg1932004
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1928
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1927001
- EWP 2-5A HowardsvilleTransport
- EWPHowardsVilleTransport002
- EWP 2-5A HowardsVilleTransport001
- EWPHowardsVilleTransport001
- EWP 2-5A Howardsville Transport
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWPPetitionHighSchool004
- EWPPetitionHighSchool003
- EWPPetitionHighSchool002
- EWPPetitionHighSchool001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946
- EWPGrantSchool1945Jan15002
- EWPGrantSchool1945009
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1945
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1944Parents
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglass1951001
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952003
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952002
- EWPPetitionDouglas1952001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglas1952
- EWP 2-5A GibonsLotforDouglass
- EWPGibonsLot006
- EWPGibonsLot005
- EWPGibonsLot004
- EWPGibonsLot003
- EWPGibonsLot002
- EWPGibonsLot001
- EWP 2-5A Douglas1951
- EWP 2-5A PetitionCarver001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionCarver001
- EWPPetitionCarver001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville1922
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBluemont1934001
- EWPPetitionBluemont1934001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionByCLMurray
- EWPSalaryEquity
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMarch3rd001Salary
- EWPProbablyNegro2
- EWPProbablyNegro
- EWP 2-5A Consolidation1945
- EWP 2-5A StLouisVALTMarticle25Sept1980(2)
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882
- EWP 2-5A Grant15Jan1945
- EWPPetitionWillisville1930002
- EWPPetitionWillisville1930001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1930
- EWP 2-5A Yr UListofWillisvilleStudentswhoGraduatedfrom7thGrade
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956JanWillisvilleOutofCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1924HamiltonPTAwantsFemaleTeacherandnewschool
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1929PhilomontwantsSchoolatGreggsville
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center)
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1951NAACPonToilets
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945CWLVsriousRecommendations
- EWPFireTrapMemo1940b
- EWPFireTrapMemo1940a
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap1
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap
- EWP 2-5A LarryRoeder
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinTeacherPerformance
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher(2)
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A ConklinPetition194Jan17
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantsTeacherReplaced
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1935
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinU
- EWPPetitionConklinAbt1935002
- EWPPetitionConklinAbt1935001
- EWPPetitionConklin002
- EWPPetitionConklin001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinTeacherComplaint
- EWPPetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWPPetitionConklin1941003
EWP 02-2 January 17, 1941 Response from F.F. Jenkins to C.T. Dean's request for a school or school bus January 17, 1941 correspondence between F.F. Jenkins Director Administration and Finance of the Virginia State Board of Education and Mr. C.T. Dean of Clifton, Virginia. The correspondence references Mr. Dean's request for a school or school bus for children in his community and advises Mr. Dean to seek the help of his local school board for such matters.
- EWPPetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A ConklinPetition1941
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWPRyanPetition003
- EWPRyanPetition002
- EWPRyanPetition001
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan28AshburnNeedsCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleHasnoCoalOnlyDirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1955Jan11WillisvilleoutofCoalJusthasdirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 19551956WillisvilleandAshburnCoalMemos
- EWP 2-5A Yr UBullRun7thGradeGraduates
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1938TeachersPayRaise
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1937TeacherswantaSlaterSupervisor
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1954BullRunRequestforExtraRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)BullRunroomrequest(1)
- EWP 2-5A 2-5A1954BullRunPetNeedsRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-2Yr19546-14SchoolBoardAgendaandBudget
EWP 02-5 A Yr 1930s Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center Estimated date = 1930s. The petition requests school bus transportation for colored students to the 'Loudoun County Training Center' it's assumed to be Pre-Douglass High School (1941). Students are from Willisville, St Louis, Middleburg Colored, Bull Run (Aldie) and Gleedsville (Mountain Gap Colored). Additional petition signees to those in 'EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center', otherwise it appears to be the same petition.
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934BluemontNeedstransport
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934AnalysisBluemontNeedsTransport
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A 2-5BYrULeithtonOpposesConsolidation
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945MarchPetiion12CountyWideViewsonConsolidation
- EWP 2-5A 3-1Yr19481951AccreditationofHighSchools
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940ProbWhitesProtestHSVenue
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sCallforAccreditedHS
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001pdf
- EWP 2-5A ReceiptforMaddypdf
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930pdf
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882pdf
- EWP 2-5A 2-5Yr2018PrebichStudy6pdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleisoutofCoalpdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931MayReligiousLeadersComplainofGamespdf
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 02-5 A Yr 1930s Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center)
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sLauraCookEvidenceWhySchoolMustExpandpdf
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan28AshburnNeedsCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956AshburnCoalRequest
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1955JanWillisvilleoutofCoaljusthasdirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleHasnoCoalOnlyDirt
- EWP 2-5A Yr 19551956WillisvilleandAshburnCoalMemos
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 02-5 A Yr 1930s Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center)
- EWP2-5AYrUListofStudentsfrom7thGRade
- EWP 2-5A Yr UBullRun7thGradeGraduates
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1937TeacherswantaSlaterSupervisor
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRunNK001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun002
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBullRun001
- EWP 2-5A PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear003
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear002
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear001
- EWP 2-5A BullRunUYear
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1954BullRunRequestforExtraRoom
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)BullRunroomrequest(1)
- EWP 2-5A 2-5A1954BullRunNeedsRoom
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville1922002
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1934OctBluemontNeedstransporttoRockHill
- EWP 2-5A 2-5APetitions(C)Bluemont
- EWP 2-5B Yr U Leithton Opposed to Consolidation
- EWP 2-5A PetitionHighSchool
- EWP 2-5A Yr Citizens Callfor Accredited HS
- NewHS2
- NewHS1
- EWP 3-1 Yr 1948-1951 Accreditation of High Schools
- EWP 2-5A Yr Request Accredited HS Building
- EWP 2-5A Prob 1940 Whites Protest HS Venue
- EWP 2-5A StatisticalStudy1918-1929001
- EWPPurcellville1930001
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930
- EWPPaperCli-RinkLip001
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (part of 'EWP 02-5 A Yr 1954 Letter from parents to Loudoun County School Board requesting Leroy Allen continue as school bus driver in the coming school year')
DUPLICATE FILE DUPLICATE FILE (part of 'EWP 02-5 A Yr 1954 Letter from parents to Loudoun County School Board requesting Leroy Allen continue as school bus driver in the coming school year')
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882
- EWP 2-5A EWP 2-5A 2-2Yr2018PrebichStudy6
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1956Jan30WillisvilleisoutofCoal
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931MayReligiousLeadersComplainofGames